ATTENTION! Black Friday is upon us. I know all the fellow shop-aholics must be anxiously awaiting tomorrow. The crowds, the lines, the SALES, gotta love it all. Well for those of you who are just jumping out of your seats waiting, you can start by checking out the online deals already going on here http://www.black-friday.net/. Stores are opening in just a few hours, so my advice would be to take a quick nap, sleep off that food coma, gear up the car and secure your place in line. Of course the lines at Best Buy are going to be outrageous, so I'd say hit up your local department store where you can get the most bang for your buck. You can find my partner Phil frolicking around Copley Plaza, or just about anywhere with great clothes and even better deals. Happy Shopping Everyone!
Site: www.behindthecounter.com/.../
Thanks for the comment dude. I like how the direction of your blog as well, I'll be stopping by every now and then!